Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I don't usually look like a domestic violence victim...

So one of the fighters has a fight coming up and not a whole lot of people showed up for sparring. Lucky for him I did, I really messed him up, I'm sure his knuckles hurt real bad!

Haha he was 25 lbs heavier then me but no excuses!

Here is the aftermath!

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This will not become a regular thing but hell my meals have looked so good lately. Haha last one!!!

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New Blog

I am thinking my new Blog is going to be called Brandon And Company Movie Reviews.  What would happen is I start every blog out with an introduction by myself and then I introduce a guest who is wildly different then I am.  Say a "typical" snobby movie critic and we banter a bit and then there are two seperate reviews.  My point of view on the movie coming from a entertainment aspect and theres from their character type!  I was going to have it be called Charlie and Charles movie review and keep two characters, one a snob and one just a movie lover but I am thinking it would be fun to incorporate different and new characters every so often!  If anyone has any additional ideas please feel free to share them.


So one of my hobbies is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling.  I wrestled for fourteen years and have been doing the MMA stuff for about four years on and off.  I'm not crazy good but I can hold my own!  Great news though the submission grappling team in my area asked me to join there team, one catch...I need to drop down to 155lbs.  That is a twenty pound drop, yikes!  If anything it will help me get into shape faster!

Monday, February 14, 2011

So I am reading other Blogs....

And I have realized that I am outmatched!  I am writing a blog about "whatever" when so many other people do it also, but they are leaps and bounds more interesting!  I mean this girl was an editor, writer, knitter, margarita enthusiast, and she read real books!  Ok, I read books but still I don't have so many facets to write about!

I am thinking I need to pick a specific topic and that topic is going to be movies, with a twist.  I know there are a hundred movie reviewers out there but that is were the twist goes!

If there is a different topic out there I should be covering you should throw some ideas my way!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Just thought I would let all re concerned folks out there know that living in the basement doesn't mean I starve! Ha a salad I threw together!

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I am posting on my IPod!

Just figured out how to post on my IPod through an app! It was two bucks but if it works I guess it is worth it! I mean this literally took only seconds to post!
Sorry for the bad hair day ha just a lounging Sunday!

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Location:At my house!

Sunday Morning Guilt

So I am sitting on the floor trying to figure out the whole Blogger layout!  Everyone's profile looks so AMAZING (yes it needed to be in caps) and I need to figure how to make mine more pleasing to the eyes so if anyone glances across this you are more then welcome to give me some pointers!

Basically today I have moved out of hibernation and came upstairs for my morning coffee.  I should be at church.  No really, I should be at church, but I am not.  Feeling pretty guilty but next Sunday I will be there!  I suppose it gets hard going alone because everyone is so overly friendly.  And before everyone gets on me for this some people out there will understand!  I have been going to a church for a month and I get a new person that comes up and feels obligated to ask questions about me and figure out who I am and what I am doing!  I appreciate it, but it is always a little awkward, especially if they feel like I need a hug.

So this is still rambling, and the real reason I came on here is a question I had.  Why is it that very religious males have very good hair, especially the generation coming up?  All the youth pastors have $100 haircuts! 

They all look like this too!

Ha.  Ok well maybe not a model or anything but I swear there hair is all like that! 

#1.  I'm Jealous.  There I said it.  Would I wear my hair like that?  Probably not, but I still would never be capable of sculpting that.
#2.  Early church service is at 8AM.   What time do you think they have to get up at?
#3.  I don't really have one.  But I'm a Christian so don't think I'm bashing, just merely observing!

Man Child In Basement: Man Child In Basement Record Breaking First Post

Man Child In Basement: Man Child In Basement Record Breaking First Post: "Yes you read the title correct you are witnessing a record being broken! I am writing my first blog ever, which is more then the previ..."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Man Child In Basement Record Breaking First Post

Yes you read the title correct you are witnessing a record being broken!  I am writing my first blog ever, which is more then the previous record of zero.

So let's just lay down some ground rules.  Grammar, eh.  I don't care that much. Can you read and comprehend my blog? Yes? You can? So when I put a period were a semi-colon should be I am not going to ruin your reading experience?  Perfect!  I will pay very little attention to it then. 

And secondly, I just assumed people are reading this, but let us be honest no one is reading this blog yet!  And if they are they probably cannot read because Jersey Shore and Teen Mom made there Brains into Mush. Therefore all blog posts will come out on tape, eventually. 

Thirdly, this blog will one day be huge so remember this post because you were here from the start! 

Honorable mention:  I will give you a brief overview of what this place will be about, let's start with the title.  Man/Child in Basement.  I am a new 23 year old College Graduate who is living back home with mother and father.  I have over $500 dollars in bills every month due from loans I had to take out to go to college and I'm still jobless!

I told myself I need to be honest somewhere in life and here is the place to do it.  You will know everything about me.  Not in the Twitter sense were you will know if I went shopping or not but the feelings, emotional, occupational, disfunctional ways of my life.  During this time I will pick a main focus for my blog! 

Finally, I have faults.  Tons of them.  As we speak, I'm drinking heavily.  A big fault I know, but hey that's part of life so if there is ever a post that starts something like this, "sduydbfm" just skip to the next one! 

Remember life is better with company. 

Brandon McCraw Valentine